Be Empowered By Saying YES to The Adventure!








Welcome to Every Day is Beautiful Coaching. My name is Syndi Smallwood, MAS, CPC, ELI-MP and I am a Certified Professional Life Coach, specializing in Transitional Life Coaching. I love to work with women who are in there 40’s and older who are facing a transitional time in their life.

A time where you might be asking yourself “What if?” to a future of incredible possibilities, but fear and the unknowing may be holding you back! I am so happy to be fulfilling my destiny by helping my clients move forward in their lives to achieve their goals and passions!

We all have a story and we love to tell our story to anyone who will listen, but what happens when our story becomes permanent? When we can’t remove ourselves from the story, where we allow the story to tell us who we are? 

What if – you changed your story? What would the possibilities be, if you took the chance to live your dreams NOW instead of living those dreams just in your head?

To achieve your dreams you may have to take a step or two outside your comfort zone, but believe me that is where the magic happens!

Why don’t you join me where the magic happens! Lets start on your journey of possibilities together and see what dreams are waiting to come true for you.

Be empowered by saying YES to the adventure and lets get started!

Schedule your first 20-minute Complimentary Coaching Session to learn more. I have one-to-one sessions and group sessions available once you decide to work with me – I am so excited to get to know you, so sign-up today!