
2015-09-10 19.00.15

Let’s talk about transition. Makes sense right? I am a Transitional Life Coach. Working with people in transition and personally going through transitions in my life, even as recently as this year, I have learned that we do not just transition through life events externally, but we can also go through internal transition. Whether the transition is external or internal we can choose to move forward through the process and deal with what it brings or we can choose to halt the process and live with the repercussions.

Many people believe that transition is just a phase they go through to get from point to another; from one job to another, from one home to another, from one school to another, from one place or person to another, from ill health to wellness, from grief to happiness, and so on down the road. But, I believe there is more, much more. First, making the choice to move from one point to another is huge; it calls on us to be brave, to be open to change, and to see the possibilities. This experience can make or break a person, if we cannot manage how we will move through the process with grace and ease we could do actual harm to ourselves and the need to recover from the experience can be lengthy.

With internal transition, at least as I have experienced it, it is what we decide to change within ourselves to make us a happier more centered and creative person. This work can begin at any time and can take as long as the person wants to do the work. I believe this because I have seen and experienced it – I have seen miserable people completely change their way of thinking and being and go from angry everyday to smiling and joyful. I have experienced life changing transition myself from feeling worthless to feeling empowered.

If a person is working on living a happier life by working on positive internal transition when they go through major external transition, moving forward through the external transition is easier. This does not mean that there will not be times when they are sad or stressed, but they will be able to pull themselves out of it much quicker. Even I have times when I go back to my comfort zone of feeling unworthy and unsafe, but part of the work I did during my internal transition was to develop skills so I could get back on track right away. 

We have choices; we can go through external transition without ever working on internal transition, or we can be working on our internal transition making external transitions easier to handle when they arise, or we can do nothing, be fearful and never move forward internally or externally. I have chosen to continue to work on my internal transition. I would love to hear what you would choose.

Here are some tips for internal transition work:

  1. Meditate Daily – it only takes 5-15minutes
  2. Journal – write down ways you might create internal transition and how that would benefit you
  3. Find groups or classes of like minded people – yoga, art, reading, etc.
  4. Spend time seeking your dreams – write them down, is there one you can work on now?
  5. Develop your support system – do you have people in your life who help or hinder you?
  6. Get a Transitional Life Coach

Remember Every Day is Beautiful!

Blessings to you all,
