Always Think of Your Past Joys With Fondness


“Sometimes our lives let us see where we would like to be again so that we can ask the questions – how can I incorporate this joy in my life now, what would the possibilities be if I opened myself up to a change – lamenting over the past never serves us, but asking questions and developing the answers for positive use of old loves for new ideas and experiences will always serve us for the better.”  This is something I said to a dear friend who was feeling challenged over remembering things that she did in the past that she had loved so dearly and how her path had led her away from those things.

Sitting in our silence reminiscing over past loves of hobbies and even lovers when we were younger and in a different space can be so beautiful and even inspiring. We may decide to take up that guitar and start playing again or take up the brush and start painting again, go out and ride horses, just open our hearts and spirit to the beauty and joy that surrounds us in so many ways. Be a kid again as an adult this time the experience can be grounding yet uplifting! Why not? What is really holding you back? Yes, you are holding you back, the excuses will ooze out of us for reasons not to experience this happiness and then what happens? We lament with sadness over the loss that we feel we can never recover.

The unhealthy aspect of the past haunting us is the lamenting without moving forward and doing something to lift ourselves from the circle of chasing our lost dreams or dreaming of the what ifs. Our intentions for every moment of our life are of the utmost importance and where and how we focus those intentions can lead us to an open heart or a closed heart. This is important to recognize and most people will just brush it off, they will see that they must make an effort to move forward, to move past those things that hold them back. But you have to do it with the loudest voice you can muster – YELL it out!!! “I AM WORTH MORE THAN MY EXCUSES!!!” Say yes to your adventure, whether it was a hobby that you loved when you were young or something new! Say yes to YOU!!! You deserve every happiness that you can give yourself! We are the only ones holding ourselves back, for every excuse you can come up with a solution can be found!

Don’t believe me, well I am a prime example of a lamenting over the past human being and I lived in circles and sadness for years. I worked hard on forgiving myself and seeking what it means to be me so that I could brake those chains and I know you can too! My spirit soars with intentions of joy, peace, and prosperity and as much fun as I can fit in – haha! Yes, sometimes that means remembering something from the past and thinking oh I wish I hadn’t given that up. So then I decide is it something that I want to bring back into my life and will it fit for my highest good and the intentions I have set for moving forward and if so then great its in and if not then I think of it fondly without pain or sadness and move on. Trust me this may not happen overnight, but it can happen and with time it gets easier. I spent a good part of my life looking and searching for what the key to happiness was and I believe I have found it, I am just me, living and loving life, just being and expanding my consciousness as far as it can reach. Tomorrow this view may change, but for now it works for me.

What is your key to happiness? Want to find it? If my story hits home with you then let’s work together on transitioning you to a place where you are living the happiest life ever!!!

Remember Every Day is Beautiful!

Blessings to you all,
