Having and Being


Have you ever thought about the difference between having and being? I have and I believe that it is an amazing realization. Do you ever wonder if you are really here, if you are really experiencing your life and this world, the sensations of everything that is around you?! You may say yes and really believe that and you may say yes and truly you are an enlightened being who is just being, but for most of us humans we are more concerned with having than being. We are struggling, fighting to just survive, to eek out what we can manage from this life of push and shove, of haves and have not’s. Our lives are built on hard work to pay bills accumulated for a myriad of reasons we can’t even remember. We are sad, depressed, angry, and always searching for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I know I am painting a bleak picture here, but it is to emphasize how hard we work to have and how many of us fail at having in so many ways.

So many people are searching for ways to feel better, live better, think better, be better, but again isn’t that just another form of having? So we work really hard at our job to pay our bills and then we play really hard so we feel better about how hard we work. We look for ways to calm ourselves, expand our consciousness, better ourselves, or just forget. We grow further apart, but sometimes can come closer together. Face it most of us are all over the place just trying anything and everything to figure out how we can fit in and just make it to tomorrow. The struggles are real for all of us, even if you think some else has it better than you, they probably think the same of you.

My epiphanies come in strange ways, but this one came as a powerful storm that almost tore my entire being apart! I had recently heard the poem “The Invitation” by Oriah and was amazed at how deeply it struck at my heart, not because I was in a relationship where I thought this is perfect for this situation, but because it felt like something that I should say to myself and truly mean it – and that while I spoke the words I could forgive myself for not “having” everything that I thought I would at this point in my life. The poem and all of the other things I was doing at the time to center myself and make sense of what I was searching for made me realize that we have the right to just “be.” That with just being all of the things that we strive to have will come or not and it won’t matter.

Soon after this realization another one came to me and that was that all of my expectations for my life had also included expectations of other people and expectations of their lives to make my life better or the way I thought my life should be turning out. I thought about how much importance I had placed on education and jobs in my marriage and how in the end those things only made us grow apart and I wondered what might have happened if the relationship had been allowed to just be, would the outcome have been different, maybe, however I don’t live my life in what if’s and past sadness so I didn’t linger there, but for the future I will take that into consideration, because it definitely feels better to just let people be who they are without my judgment’s or expectations. And isn’t that how we want to be treated too?

My wish for this world and all those who live in it is that we can all just be. I mean that in whatever way it works for you, for me just being is the calmest state of existence and there is no having involved at all.

Remember Every Day is Beautiful

Blessings to you all,
